Dirk has been with Jenna Bayer Garden Design as Senior Landscape Architect, license #4294, since 2015. Born and raised in the rural areas around Wiesbaden, Germany, at age 16 he apprenticed and completed his training as a Landscape Gardener, and subsequently in 1987, earned his Engineering degree in Landscape Architecture and Construction (Dipl. Ing.) at University of Geisenheim, Germany. Working for, and mentored by, notable Landscape Architects both in Germany and the United States, his more than 30 years of experience now include a broad range of projects in design and construction - from soccer stadiums to roof gardens, public botanical gardens, playgrounds and commercial landscapes to small and high-end custom residential gardens. Inspired by the fundamental role Gardens can play in grounding us in a place and connecting us to our agricultural past, Modernism and the unique Californian outdoor lifestyle provide the contemporary framework Dirk aims to apply in the design and making of sustainable Gardens. In his spare time Dirk loves to travel, hike and fly fish the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, the Owens Valley, Mt. Shasta and many other amazing places.